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speakerI想有want to have一只狗a dog

headspeaker爸爸dad,​我们we需要need谈谈(to) talk
headspeakerI想有want to have一只狗a dog
Select the missing phrase
headspeaker朱朱Junior,​taking care of(a) dogneeds干很多活a lot of work
headspeakerI可以can干活work!​I非常(am) very负责任的responsible
headspeaker真的really(question marker)
headspeaker那么then首先firstyou需要need(to) wash(the) car
Why does Eddy tell Junior to clean the car?
  • Junior needs to drive to his new job.
  • He wants Junior to prove that he's responsible.
  • Junior's dog got the car really dirty.
headspeaker没问题no problem
headspeaker打扫clean浴室(the) bathroom
Tap what you hear
headspeaker然后then,​wash窗户(the) windows
headspeaker噢不oh no
speaker三个three小时hours以后later,​朱朱Junior打扫完finishes cleaning他们的their公寓apartment
Choose the option that means "finishes."
headspeaker爸爸Dad,​看看look (at)我干的活儿the work I did
headspeakerwow,​很棒great!​you真的reallly很负责任的(are) responsible
What comes next?
  • 一间浴室a bathroom
  • 一个窗户a window
  • 一只狗a dog
headspeaker一只狗a dog
headspeakerno,​谢谢thank you。​Idon't想有want to have一只狗a dog(change of state marker)
headspeakerI很累(am) tired。​Idon'twant负责任(to be) responsible(change of state marker)
Junior decided…
  • …he wants a cow instead.
  • …he should adopt four dogs.
  • …he's too tired to take care of a dog.
Tap the pairs