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speakerСвида́ниеa date

speakeŕЮля в рестора́неin a restaurant. У неёShe has свида́ниеa date.
headspeakerЧтоwhat тыyou хо́чешьwant заказа́тьto order?
Yulya's date is asking...
  • what Yulya wants to order.
  • where to find the restaurant.
  • how much the food costs.
headspeakerСала́тa salad.
headspeakerЯI не емdon't eat мя́соmeat.
headspeakerТыyou вегетариа́нкаvegetarian?
headspeakerЯme то́жеtoo!
Why did he say that?
  • He hates salads.
  • He loves to eat meat.
  • He's also a vegetarian.
headspeakerПра́вдаreally? Су́перgreat!
headspeakerТыyou ру́сскийRussian?
Put the words in the right order:
headspeakerНетNo, яI америка́нецAmerican
headspeakerМойMy па́паfather украи́нецUkranian, аand (but) мояmy ма́маmother францу́женкаFrench.
headspeakerЯI украи́нкаUkranian!
headspeakerЯI люблю́love Украи́нуUkraine!
Choose the best answer:
headspeakerУ тебя́ естьDo you have дома́шние живо́тныеpets, ́Аня?
headspeakerДаyes, у меня́I have триthree ко́шкиcats иand…
speakerЮля удивлена́is surprised.
headspeakerПочему́Why ́Аня?! Меня́ зову́тmy name is ́Юля.
headspeakerАand тыyou Серге́й?
headspeakerНетno, яI am Па́вел!
Julie and Paul were supposed to meet different people.
  • Yes, that's true.
  • No, that's not right.
speakerДе́вушкаgirl захо́дитenters вin рестора́нrestaurant.
headspeakerДо́брый деньGood afternoon! Тыyou Па́вел? ЯI ́Аня.
headspeakerЭээuh... нетno... Меня́ зову́т[they] call me Серге́й.
At the end of the story, Pavel…
  • was tired of talking to Yulie.
  • lied to his real date because he likes Yulya.
  • met someone named Sergey.
Tap the pairs