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speaker在农场里At the farm

speaker梨花Lihuagoes农场farmto see她的her姐姐older sister梦琪Mengqi
Lihua's visiting her uncle's farm.
  • No, that's not right.
  • Yes, that's true.
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headspeaker天哪Oh my God​!梦琪Mengqi​,你住的地方the place where you livefrom城市cityveryfar
headspeaker因为because这个this地方placefrom城市cityveryfar​,所以that's whyI喜欢liketo livein这里here
headspeaker你看look那边there​,是不是isn't ithave一匹a (one)horse
headspeaker是的yes​。at农场farmin (inside)have很多very many动物animals
headspeaker这个this地方placewith城市citynot一样the same
headspeaker没错right 城市city too 热闹noisy (lively) 这里here没有no噪音noise
Click on the option meaning "noise."
headspeaker刚刚just now那个that声音noiseis什么what?
headspeaker那是that's我牛的my cows'叫声sound
headspeaker你的yourcows太恶心了too gross​,闻起来很臭smells very bad
Lihua is saying that...
  • she would like to eat a burger.
  • Mengqi should buy more cows.
  • Mengqi's cows smell bad.
Tap what you hear
headspeakeryou 午饭lunch 吃了ate question marker ?
headspeakerwantto eat炒饭fried risequestion marker
headspeaker谢谢thank you​,Inot饿hungry
headspeakerIwant坐出租车take a taxireturn城市city
What does Lihua mean?
  • She wants to leave the farm and go back to the city.
  • She wants to move to the countryside with her sister.
  • She would like to eat some fried rise.
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